Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby Food!

John is almost 6 months now and he's eating baby food. Yeah! It did not go so smooth though. He has had a love/hate relationship with food. At 4 months he didn't like the rice cereal at first and then he loved it. At couple of weeks later he decided he hated it again. Then when it came time for fruits and vegetables he hated those too. He would purse his lips and not let me feed him. What kid doesn't like baby food? crazy ones. I found that if i fed him when we all ate at dinner he would eat his food... he was always reaching for ours. Now he loves baby food, I just hope it stays that way.

John is fat and happy in his high chair. He's doesn't look like he needs any food right now, but he still loves it for the time being. He's a little boy who loves to be messy.


Courtney said...

How cute and fat is he? Happy to see all the updates. Where have you guys been? Blaine has been trying to get a hold of John.

Stevens Family said...

So cute, and chunky! Love chuncky babies!