Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Primary and Crabbie Patties"

Ashley really cracks me up sometimes, I have two stories I would like to share. The first is primary. It has been my goal this year to get my kids to sit still in church. So far, no luck. Sunday was horrible, Ashley was quiet but just would not sit still. Luckily it was our off week from nursery (we go every other week). After sunday school I decided to check on them to see how they were doing. Hannah was running around like a maniac, she's has ball of energy from who knows where and Ashley was in primary on the floor. She is shy, so I just thought she was being so....not the case. Since we switched to afternoon, no more naps. She was asleep on the floor in primary,literally conked out. I wish I had a camera, but then again it wouldn't have been appropiate. It was hillarious. I picked her up and took her to relief scoiety with me fully expecting her to wake up, however she slept the entire time.

The second story really cracks me up. We were comming home from walmart yesterday and we were stopped at the stoplight. Next to us was Wendy's and they had ads on their windows for hamburgers. Ashley says, " I want to eat" "I want to eat". This comming from a girl that hasn't talked much, but has really started to take off. Then she says "I wanna eat .... patties" At first it sounded like cream patties, I couldn't figure out what she was saying, so I asked John. He said " crabbie patties" I just started laughing and she kept asking for "crabbie patties". For those who don't know crabbie patties comes from spongebob squarepants. To Ashley hamburgers = crabbie patties. So that's what's for dinner tonight- crabbie patties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck at keeping the kids reverent on Sundays. We had a struggle with that for a long while. I think each kid has their own thing. Ours work well with fruit snacks right after sacrament is passed and then one book and one toy each.